Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Still on Temporary Hiatus

I am still on a temporary hiatus from my blog at this time due to getting life under control with two kiddos and a new family schedule with my husbands job. I have so many awesome ideas constantly flying at me for blog posts, but am having to keep them on an idea sheet until I can start dedicating time each week to regular posts.  I'm happy that people are still finding my posts useful and fun to reference, hoping that I can return to continue sharing in the near future!

Fun Facts:
  1. My son is almost 8 months and he's crawling and standing (with assistance) as much as he possibly can.
  2. My hubby is currently an assistant instructor at a local martial arts facility...he works 3 - 9 pm most evenings, but is getting the chance to truly teach something he's passionate about.
  3. I've still been able to get my evening workouts in from time to time...but not on a daily basis like I'd gotten use to.  I'm looking to adjust my work schedule to 7:00 am - 4:00 pm so that I can have an hour to workout prior to picking up kids!
  4. Our family has started implementing several fun lifestyle changes in the food department that I'll be sharing in the future...these include making beans and rice instead of using canned or instant, cooking an entire chicken in the crock pot instead of eating pre-packaged sandwich meat and watching our sugar intake.
  5. Fall is finally showing itself on a regular basis and I'm ecstatic about more out door workouts!
Hope life is treating you well and know that I will be returning in the future!! :-D


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